Annika Rosin profile picture
Assistant Professor, Laws


Caloniankuja 3

Areas of expertise

Labour law
employment relationships of young people
atypical employment relationships
EU employment law
comparative labour law, platform work, digitalization.


I defended my doctoral thesis entitled “Labour law protection of trainees” in the Faculty of Law, University of Turku in 2.12.2017. Earlier I have completed BA in Law and MA in European Studies from University of Tartu, Estonia. In my master thesis I studied the concept of flexicurity and its influence on wage legislation.  


My teaching experience includes teaching labour law and EU employment law at the University of Turku, Finland and University of Tartu, Estonia. At the moment I am responsible for teaching labour law at the University of Turku. I am the responsible teacher in basic studies of labour law, in specialisation course of labour law, and in advanced studies of labour law.


My area of research for the doctoral degree focused on the protection of the rights of trainees.I studied the labour law status and protection of trainees from the EU and comparative perspective. My postdoctoral research concentrates on platform work. I have studied the employment law status of platform workers and possible regulation of platform work in national, EU and international level. I am also interested in the issues concerning atypical work (fixed-term contracts, zero-hours work, temporary agency work, telework, bogus self-employment and semidependent work), precarious work,the scope of labour law, the possibilities and limits of national and EU labour law and the future perspectives of labour law.

ParalleI to my main research I have conducted legal research concerning atypical working arrangements in aviation sector, temporary agency work, contractual arrangements for young people and the legal status of future worker. Additionally, I have actively participated and presented in several international conferences.


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Töötingimused renditööl : Lõppraport (2014)

Espenberg Kerly, Puolokainen Tarmo, Varblane Uku, Beilmann Mai, Muda Merle, Rosin Annika
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))