Anne Quarshie profile picture
Assistant Professor, Management and Organisation
D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)
BIODIFORM consortium; BIODIFUL consortium

Areas of expertise

Biodiversity-respectful business
Sustainable business
Sustainable supply chain management
Regenerative business
Disaster preparedness


I work as an Assistant Professor (Biodiversity and Business) at Turku School of Economics, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at LUT School of Business and Management (2017-2022), a Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University School of Business (2010-2017), and a Visiting Researcher at Rutgers Business School (2013-2015) in New Jersey, USA. Prior to becoming a researcher, I worked for several years at Fairtrade Finland, where I managed relationships with Finnish retailers and food manufacturers.


I teach the courses "Sustainable Business" (JO13) and "Business and Nature" at Turku School of Economics and the doctoral course "Theories and Research in Business Sustainablity and Responsibility" at the Finnish Doctoral Program in Business Studies (KATAJA).


My main research interests include biodiversity-respectful business, regenerative business, sustainable business and supply chain management, systemic change processes, interorganizational interactions, and humanitarian disaster preparedness and response. I am involved in the BIODIFORM and BIODIFUL consortia, which investigate the interface between biodiversity and business, systemic transformations for sustainability, and biodiversity-respectful business and leadership, for example. My research has received several recognitions, including the IPSERA Best Doctoral Dissertation in Purchasing Award 2017 and the Routledge Best Paper Award in Social Partnership 2016. My work has appeared among other outlets in the Journal of Business Ethics, Organization & Environment, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. I am also a co-author of the book “Corporate Social Responsibility in Finland: Origins, Characteristics, and Trends”.


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