Anna-Maija Kohijoki profile picture
University Teacher, Economic Geography
D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), University Teacher


+358 29 450 3979
+358 50 505 9423
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

GIS in business
urban planning
ageing consumers, accessibility of grocery retail services


Anna-Maija Kohijoki (D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm)) is a university teacher in economic geography at the department of Marketing and International Business at Turku School of Economics. The focus of her doctoral thesis (2013) was the accessibility of grocery retail services with special reference to ageing consumers. Her current research interests include consumer behaviour, age-friendly cities, urban planning and GIS methods.


Geographies of Firms and Industries (TM1)
Community and City Planning in Finland (TM42)
Introduction to Spatial Analysis (TM5)
GIS in Business I (TM51)
GIS in Business II (TMS51)
Geography Matters (TMS1)
Thesis Seminar of Economic Geography


Research projects:

  • Kauppa murroksessa (KAMU2023 -research project)
  • Turun keskustan tyhjät liiketilat (2016-2021)
  • Kulutustilat osana arvoa tuottavaa elinympäristöä (KATE2017 -research project)
  • City centre revitalisation from the consumers’ perspective (Turku Urban Research Programme 2016)
  • Kuluttajakäyttäytymisen muutos Turun seudulla vuosina 1990-2020 (KUMU2011 -research project)
  • Sustainable Shopping Locations and Concepts in a Network City (KAVERI -research project)
  • Shopping Centres as a part of Sustainable Consumption and Urban Structure (KOKKKA -research project)
  • Mylly -research project

Research at Economic Geography:


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Profiling the ageing wellness consumer (2014)

International conference on recent advances in retailing and services science
Marjanen Heli, Kohijoki Anna-Maija, Saastamoinen Kaisa
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))