Professor, Child Psychiatry
Areas of expertise
Child psychiatry
adolescent psychiatry
intervention studies
implementation studies
Professor of Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University. The focus of his work for the last 30 years has been to identify early psychosocial and biological risk factors for the causes of mental health disturbances, as well as to find keys to the development of selective interventions focused on children at risk.
Dr. Sourander is responsible for teaching medical students and residents at the Department of Child Psychiatry. He has been the Primary Supervisor of 19 finalized thesis. He is the Primary Supervisor of 6 post-doc researchers and 9 PhD /Dr Med Sc students.
The Association Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Congenital Anomalies by Organ Systems in a Finnish National Birth Cohort (2015)
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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Parental migration and Asperger's syndrome (2015)
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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ViPAR: a software platform for the Virtual Pooling and Analysis of Research Data (2015)
International Journal of Epidemiology
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Maternal socio-economic status based on occupation and autism spectrum disorders: A national case-control study. (2015)
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
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Touretten oireyhtymä - monimuotoinen sairaus, yksilöllinen hoidon tarve (2015)
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Criminal Offending among Males and Females between Ages 15 and 30 in a Population-Based Nationwide 1981 Birth Cohort – Results from the FinnCrime Study (2014)
Results from the FinnCrime Study
Journal of Adolescence
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The incidence of diagnosed autism spectrum disorders in Finland (2014)
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
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Perceptions of mental health among adolescents in Greece (2014)
British Journal of Mental Health Nursing
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Epilepsy Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Population-Based Study (2014)
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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Voimaperheet – uusi interventio lasten käytösongelmiin (2014)
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