Andre Sourander profile picture
Professor, Child Psychiatry


+358 29 450 2753
+358 50 365 3447
Itäinen Pitkäkatu 1

Areas of expertise

Child psychiatry
adolescent psychiatry
intervention studies
implementation studies


Professor of Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University.  The focus of his work for the last 30 years has been to identify early psychosocial and biological risk factors for the causes of mental health disturbances, as well as to find keys to the development of selective interventions focused on children at risk.


Dr. Sourander is responsible for teaching medical students and residents at the Department of Child Psychiatry. He has been the Primary Supervisor of 19 finalized thesis. He is the Primary Supervisor of 6 post-doc researchers and 9 PhD /Dr Med Sc students.


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Unmet needs of child and adolescent psychiatrists among Asian and European countries: does the Human Development Index (HDI) count? (2018)

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Sourander A, Chudal R, Skokauskas N, Al-Ansari AM, Klomek AB, Pornnoppadol C, Kolaitis G, Maezono J, Steinhausen HC, Slobodskaya H, Kaneko H, Regmee J, Li L, Nguyen MH, Grimland M, Osokina O, Ong SH, Praharaj SK, Lesinskienė S, Fossum S, Wiguna T, Makasheva VA, Lehti V
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