Amit Barua profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Materials Engineering

Areas of expertise

Power Electronics
PCB Design and Layout
Semiconductor Physics
Material Science and Flexible Electronics


Amit Barua is currently a doctoral researcher in the research group Materials for Flexible Devices at the University of Turku. He came from Bangaldesh and obtained his M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering from University of Southern Denmark and B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh. He previously served as a research assistant in the Smart Materials group at SDU NanoSyd, Mads Clausen Institute in Denmark.  


My current research is focusing on the design, fabrication, characterization and optimization of the various kind of flexible strechable breathable transparent and biodegradable sensors which can be implicated as electronic skins for healthcare technologies and other flexible devices for IoT applications. 


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