Aiste Ivanauskaite profile picture
Project Researcher, Molecular Plant Biology
Master of Sciences

Areas of expertise

Molecular plant biology
protein work
protein modification


I am a doctoral candidate in the Doctoral Programme in Molecular Life Sciences at the University of Turku where I have also completed my MSc degree in the Molecular Systems Biology programme. I have been working in the field of photosynthesis since my very first year as a Bachelor student and have had the great opportunity to complete one semester of my studies at the University of Amsterdam.   


I currently study protein acetylation in Arabidopsis thaliana and am especially interested in the effect of protein acetylation on photosynthesis.


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Dual lysine and N-terminal acetyltransferases reveal the complexity underpinning protein acetylation (2020)

Molecular Systems Biology
Willy V Bienvenut, Annika Brünje, Jean‐Baptiste Boyer, Jens S Mühlenbeck, Gautier Bernal, Ines Lassowskat, Cyril Dian, Eric Linster, Trinh V Dinh, Minna M Koskela, Vincent Jung, Julian Seidel, Laura K Schyrba, Aiste Ivanauskaite, Jürgen Eirich, Rüdiger Hell, Dirk Schwarzer, Paula Mulo, Markus Wirtz, Thierry Meinnel, Carmela Giglione, Iris Finkemeier
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )