Docent, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University Lecturer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Glyphosate residues in soil can modify plant resistance to herbivores through changes in leaf quality (2022)
Plant Biology
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Strong gene flow explains lack of mating system variation in the perennial herb, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, in a fragmented landscape (2021)
Nordic Journal of Botany
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Glyphosate residues alter the microbiota of a perennial weed with a minimal indirect impact on plant performance (2021)
Plant and Soil
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Population-wide shifts in herbivore resistance strategies over succession (2020)
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Introduced plants of Lupinus polyphyllus are larger but flower less frequently than conspecifics from the native range: Results of the first year (2020)
Ecology and Evolution
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Insect Herbivory Selects for Volatile-Mediated Plant-Plant Communication (2019)
Current Biology
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Genetic drift precluded adaptation of an insect seed predator to a novel host plant in a long-term selection experiment (2018)
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Spatiotemporal variation in local adaptation of a specialist insect herbivore to its long‐lived host plant (2016)
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Plant-Herbivore Interaction in a Fragmented Landscape: Local Adaptation and Inbreeding (2015)
(Artikkeliväitöskirja (G5))Simultaneous inbreeding modifies inbreeding depression in a plant-herbivore interaction (2014)
Ecology Letters
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