Extension of Study Time Based on Statutory Reasons

You can apply for an extension to your study right if you have been registered as non-attending student based on a reason mentioned in the Universities Act (i.e. statutory reason). If your studies have been delayed for any other reason, you can apply for additional time to your study right from your own faculty.

You can apply for an extension to your study right from the Student Centre Disco if your studies have been delayed because of so called statutory (legislative) reasons, as defined in the Universities Act 558/2009. These statutory reasons include service under the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service (194/1995, and time off to care for a child following the birth or adoption of a child. Child home care allowance is not a reason for absence (non-attendance) which extends your study right.

If your studies have been delayed for some other reason, apply for additional time from your own faculty

How registering as non-attending is taken into account? 

Semesters during which you are registered as non-attending due to statutory reasons as defined in the University Act (e.g. military service) are not considered as part of your targeted study time to complete the degree. You can register as non-attending for a statutory reason if this reason covers at least one day out of the semester. A first-year student may register as absent (non-attending) for the academic year for special statutory reasons only. After the first year, you may register as non-attending for any reason. Please notice that the reasons for which a first-year student may register as non-attending are different from the reasons fo non-attendance which extend your study time: Being incapacitated by personal illness or injury is a reason for non-attendance during the first year but it is not a statutory reason for extension to your study right.

If you have registered as non-attending starting 1 August 2025 or later, your study time will only be extended if you have registered as non-attending for the semester in question and if the statutory reason is indicated on the document you submit to the Student Centere Disco for Peppi. Submit a certificate of absence (non-attendance) to the Student Centre Disco while your right to study right is still valid. The certificate cannot be submitted after your study time as ended.

If your non-attendance began before 1 August 2025, the semesters during which the above-mentioned absence criterion begins or ends will be assessed on a case-by-case basis when granting the extension. Such semesters will not normally be counted to your targeted study time of your degree if you can justifiably claim that the absence has interfered with your studies. If you are then registered as non-attending for the beginning or end of a semester, the university may, on the same grounds, consider that such a semester is not counted into the semesters you can be registered as non-attending.

You can apply for an extension at any time during your studies after the end of the reason for absence

  • If you are registered as non-attending for a statutory reason, you can notify us and apply for an extension after the reason for absence has ended. However, you must apply for an extension while your study right (the actual period of completion of the degree) is still in force, not after the end of the study right or when studying in additional time.
  • The notification is made to the Student Centre Disco, which will also decide on the remaining study time.
  • The notification is made using the electronic form, which can be found at the bottom of this page, together with instructions on how to use it. The notification must be accompanied by a certificate stating the reason for the absence:
    • For military and civilian service, a service certificate or a photograph of a military passport
    • For maternity, paternity, pregnancy and parental leave, a copy or a photo of the Kela decision on parental leave or an equivalent certificate from a foreign authority for statutory parental leave. You may conceal information on income.
    • The certificates can be in Finnish, Swedish or English.
  • If for any reason you cannot use the electronic form, please use the pdf form to notify the extension.
  • If you are studying in additional time, registering as non-attending does not extend your study time for any reason. These statutory reasons for absence may be taken into account as a factor that has slowed down your studies when you apply for a new additional time from your faculty