green programming

Sustainable Web Development Studies at the Open University

The role of digital services in society is significant. At the same time, their impact on the environment in terms of resource and energy consumption has grown significantly. In the courses offered by the Department of Computing at the University of Turku, you can acquire the skills needed in the workforce to implement systems with a focus on sustainability.

Sustainable Web Development Studies

These studies are primarily intended for professionals already in the workforce and are free of charge. The program is designed for anyone interested in the subject, with a prerequisite of basic skills or experience in programming. The studies are also available in Finnish.

You can gain additional knowledge in the technical production of digital services and software development in general, as well as how to consider sustainability in their implementation. The realization of sustainable digital services requires technical skills, such as understanding accessibility, user experience, and green ICT methods. The training emphasizes personalized guidance and practical teaching methods.

Sustainable Web Development Studies (total of 30 ECTS credits) are organized as 6-month intensive courses. The entire program (30 ECTS credits) can be started in August 2024 and completed in the spring semester of 2025. You can enroll in all courses or choose specific modules to acquire targeted expertise.

The studies can be mainly completed online, providing flexibility for those working concurrently. Some Capstone course sessions may require mandatory attendance either in-person in Turku or via remote connection. The courses have a predetermined schedule that students follow. The curriculum includes real-time remote practical exercises. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in group work and guidance offered on-site at the University of Turku, further enhancing the learning experience.

Flexibility in the course content is introduced by utilizing suitable learning environments (A+, Moodle) as support for flipped classroom teaching. Participants access video lectures, other materials, and automatically assessed assignments through these platforms. Discord (asynchronous discussion and personal guidance) and Zoom (prearranged interactive group discussions) serve as fundamental tools in online contact teaching. Face-to-face guidance is also available. The assessment of learning outcomes involves practical exercises and exams.

Studies in the Autumn Semester 2024

Study Content and Programs: Explore the content and methods of completing the studies in the study guide. The courses 'Basics of JavaScript programming ' and 'Green Coding' currently do not have equivalence to degree studies. 

> Study Guide

Enrolment: You can enrol for all courses at once (total of 30 ECTS credits, including the Capstone module) or choose individual courses, excluding the Capstone module. Participants are selected on a first-come, first-served basis. The courses are free of charge.

Sustainable Web Development courses, 30 ECTS credits, 27.8.2024 - 16.2.2025

> Enrolment 19.6. - 22.8.2024 See in English

Introductory courses

Basics of JavaScript programming 3 ECTS credits, 27.8. - 15.9.2024

In this course, students will become familiar with the basic concepts and structures of JavaScript from a web programming perspective, building on their previous programming knowledge. As the studies progress, students will also explore tools and methods that are beneficial when working with JavaScript.

> Enrolment 19.6.2024 -  30.4.2025 See in English

Basic Course on Software Engineering 5 ECTS credits, 28.8. - 29.9.2024

This course provides a practical introduction to the principles and methods of software production. Topics covered include agile development, software lifecycle, and social sustainability.

> Enrolment 19.6. - 22.8.2024  See in English

Advanced courses

Web Programming 5 ECTS credits, 17.9. - 27.10.2024

This course teaches modern browser-based implementation techniques along with user-centered, accessible design methods.

> Enrolment 19.6. - 12.9.2024 See in English

Capstone 10 ECTS credits, 22.10.2024 -24.1.2025

A group project where a solution is developed for a problem provided by researchers and companies in the field. The Capstone module can only be completed by enrolling in the entire program.

Green coding 2 - 5 ECTS credits, 1.10. - 27.10.2024

This course explores the practices of green programming and related concepts. It also covers measuring and optimizing energy consumption.

> Enrolment 19.6. - 26.9.2024  See in English

Usability, User Experience and Analytics 5 ECTS credits, 13.1. - 16.2.2025

This course teaches the evaluation of user experience and the design of usable, accessible, and enjoyable software products and services. The language of instruction is English.

> Ilmoittautuminen 19.6. -  16.12.2024 

Further information:

Contact: Jari Lehto

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