
Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity Course at the Open University

We live in a world filled with intelligent systems and AI. This course teaches you the basics of this world and what you need to know to live in it.

In AI & Cybersecurity course you will learn what Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity are, how these two are related and in what way these two complement each other. You will also understand cybersecurity threat landscape, AI’s applications and how these applications are transforming our lives. You will be exposed to concerns surrounding AI, including how AI can be weaponized against cybersecurity and privacy implications. You will also learn how cybersecurity is salient for AI based systems.

This course is an introductory course for anyone with a Finnish upper secondary school or a similar degree. You do not need to have a computer science expertise or programming language skills to complete this course. We have made it as simple as possible for you.

Content of the course

  • To introduce basic concepts of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI)
  • To provide an overview of how AI can make our lives better, exemplified by different applications and cases
  • To give an understanding of how AI and cybersecurity interact
  • To provide an overview of how AI can be used to improve cybersecurity
  • To provide an understanding of how AI can be used against cybersecurity

How to take the course?

AI & Cybersecurity is organized as a MOOC online course that is open and free for all. The course is available at DigiCampus learning environment.

If you want to register the course credits (2 ECTS credits), you have to enrol for the course at the Open University. The course free of charge and it can be completed between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024. You can start studying right away and finish the course at your own phase with no fixed attendance requirements.

> The introduction page of the MOOC

> Study Guide

> Registration 4.12.2023 - 9.6.2024 (See in English) 
> Registration 13.8.2024 - (See in English)

Further information:

Heta Tossavainen