University of Turku initiates project planning for transferring operations of Turun normaalikoulu school from Varissuo to campus


In its meeting on 10 June 2024, the Board of the University of Turku decided to start the project planning for the transfer of the Turun normaalikoulu school from Varissuo to the Educarium building on campus. The Turun normaalikoulu school is the teacher training school of the University of Turku. According to preliminary estimates, the transfer would bring at least €2 million in savings per year. 

During the spring, the University of Turku has been exploring the possibility of transferring the Turun normaalikoulu school from Varissuo to the Educarium building on campus. The investigation is part of the implementation of the University's Facility Programme, launched by the University Board in January.

On 10 June, the Board decided to start planning the transfer of the Turun normaalikoulu school. The decision was based on the report and proposal of the working group that investigated the matter as well as on the statements of the faculties, the Student Union, and the City of Turku. The Board authorised Rector Jukka Kola to negotiate the necessary lease amendments with the University Properties of Finland Ltd (SYK).

Chair of the Board of the University of Turku Ritva Viljanen says that the University's expenses in relation to the core funding have increased for several years, which has created financial challenges for the University.

“Although supplementary funding has increased, it is focused on projects and does little to alleviate the growing costs of basic research and the University’s structures. Reducing the University's facility costs is a key objective in balancing the finances. Remote work has increased substantially in just a few years and the utilisation rate of the facilities is rather low. Transferring the Turun normaalikoulu school from Varissuo to Educarium would bring significant savings in facility costs to the University. It would also bring operational benefits by bringing teacher training to the campus and closer to other University activities. Cooperation between different faculties and multidisciplinary learning will be facilitated. Hopefully, the popularity of subject teacher studies will also increase,” Viljanen says and continues:

“The City of Turku has drawn attention to possible segregation effects. I understand the City's concern. Therefore, some of the teacher training would be carried out in Varissuo and the University would welcome students from Varissuo to Ecucarium. The City has offered great opportunities for collaboration.”

The project planning for the large-scale project will take about two years. At the same time, plans will be made to relocate the current users of Educarium to other campus facilities by involving the University community. Educarium will undergo a renovation in connection with the alterations. According to the preliminary schedule, the Turun normaalikoulu school could start operating in Educarium in the autumn semester 2028.

Transfer opens up opportunities for developing education and research

A working group led by Vice Rector Piia Björn looked at two options: transferring the entire operation of the Turun normaalikoulu school to Educarium or only transferring the upper secondary school to Educarium. Based on the assessment, only transferring the entire school would bring savings in terms of facilities and costs. According to preliminary estimates, the transfer would result in a facility reduction of 12,680m2 and annual rental cost savings of €2.1–2.4 million.

“In addition to savings, we are seeking significant development in teacher training. The University's ambition is to continue to ensure that Turun normaalikoulu is a multicultural school, which is also important for our teacher training. We welcome the new opportunities for multidisciplinary research that the large school will open up. This is also a great opportunity to work with the City of Turku to develop upper secondary school education, and at the same time to create new access to our University on a new level," says Björn.

The University community has been actively involved in the process throughout the investigation through meetings and community discussions.

Turun normaalikoulu is the teacher training school of the University of Turku. Both primary school and subject teacher trainees complete their practical teacher training at the school as part of their pedagogical studies. The Turun normaalikoulu school and Educarium buildings are owned by the University Properties of Finland Ltd and the University of Turku is a tenant.

The purpose of the Facility Programme, which is part of the University's Financial Balancing Programme, is to reduce the total floor area used by the University, control rental costs, and reduce facility costs.

Created 10.06.2024 | Updated 10.06.2024