University of Turku continues investigating the transfer of Turun normaalikoulu school


In its meeting on 17 May 2024, the Board of the University of Turku decided to continue the investigation of the transfer of the Turun normaalikoulu school. The Turun normaalikoulu school is the teacher training school of the University of Turku. The Board will decide on the matter in June.

During the spring, the University of Turku has been exploring the possibility of transferring the Turun normaalikoulu school from Varissuo to the Educarium building on campus. The investigation conducted by two working groups is part of the implementation of the University's Facility Programme, launched by the University Board.

A working group led by Vice Rector Piia Björn has looked at two options: transferring the entire operation of the Turun normaalikoulu school to Educarium or only transferring the upper secondary school to Educarium. Based on the assessment, only transferring the entire school would bring savings in terms of facilities and costs. According to preliminary estimates, the transfer of the entire Turun normaalikoulu school to Educarium would result in a facility reduction of 12,680m2 and annual rental cost savings of €2.1–2.4 million.

The Board of the University of Turku decided at its meeting on 17 May that the investigation will be supplemented with statements from the faculty councils of the faculties located at the lower campus. Statements will also be requested from the Student Union and the City of Turku. The Board is expected to decide on starting the project planning for the transfer of the Turun normaalikoulu school at its meeting on 10 June.

According to Vice Rector Björn, the main focus of the investigation has been on finding facility reductions, but at the same time it has provided an opportunity to design a new model for the future school and teacher training.

“Transferring the school to the campus would enable closer cooperation between the education and research conducted at the Turun normaalikoulu school and the departments of the Faculty of Education, as well as the joint use of special facilities for subject teaching," Björn says .

Turun normaalikoulu is the teacher training school of the University of Turku. Both primary school and subject teacher trainees complete their practical teacher training at the school as part of their pedagogical studies. The Turun normaalikoulu school and Educarium buildings are owned by the University Properties of Finland Ltd and the University of Turku is a tenant.

The purpose of the Facility Programme, which is part of the University's Financial Balancing Programme, is to reduce the total floor area used by the University, control rental costs, and reduce facility costs.

Created 17.05.2024 | Updated 17.05.2024