Keyword: News

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The Project Ace – Working Life Skills for Students


The second round of the Project Ace project ended and student teams, including a few international teams, presented their work at the University of Turku. Now, the students head towards new challenges with teamwork and time management skills as well as practical know-how in their pockets.

Uni Turku Team at the 20th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, 22–28 March 2013


Once again a team from the University of Turku participated in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Organized for the 20th time, the Vis Moot gathered 296 teams from around the world for extremely competitive rounds of written and oral advocacy with final victory claimed by the City University of Hong Kong. The Uni Turku Vis Team, with students Juho Hellgren, Mirka Kuisma, Petr Timura, Lisa Werle, Mikita Areshko and Veera Salokannel, returned home with an honorary mention for their excellent respondent's memorandum.

In Banks We Trust?


Following the on-going financial crisis, central banks continue to be important players in stabilizing markets. However, after decades of delivering stable price levels, they start acting irresponsibly and jeopardize their credibility, writes Senior Research Fellow Aleksandra Maslowska.

A Booster for Allergy Vaccination


Researchers from Turku have developed a chemical compound that boosts the effects of allergy vaccination. The effect of the compound has been verified with cell models and animal tests; trials on humans have not yet been conducted.

Mathematics in support of diabetes research


Dr. Laura Elo, Adjunct Professor in Biomathematics at University of Turku, has received a five-year Career Development Award from JDRF, the world’s leading charitable funder and advocate of Type 1 diabetes research.

A Double Experience Awaits the Prospective Honorary Doctor


Peter Kivisto is eagerly waiting for the turn of May and June. The Professor of the Augustana College, United States, knows that he will experience two memorable moments then. The University of Turku will confer an honorary doctorate on him and he will, for the first time, step into the childhood home of his Finnish grandfather in Jalasjärvi.