Keyword: News

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Successful Innovation Collaboration of University of Turku and Singapore Maritime Institute Continued


The University of Turku and the Singapore Maritime Institute collaborated for the second time in organising the Finland–Singapore Maritime Innovation Camp. The winning team was announced on the final day of the camp held in Singapore on 11–16 January 2020. The camp was organised in collaboration with the business partners Jurong Port, MacGregor, and The China Navigation Company.

New Parasitoid Wasp Species Discovered in the Amazon – Can Manipulate Host’s Behaviour


A research group from the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku studies the diversity of parasitoid insects around the world. Parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) are one of the most species rich animal taxa on Earth, but their tropical diversity is still poorly known. In the latest study, the group discovered 15 new, sizeable species that parasitise spiders in the lowland rainforests of the Amazon and the cloud forests of the Andes.

University of Turku Best in Finland in Openness of Science and Research


The Ministry of Education and Culture has completed an evaluation on the openness of operational cultures in various research organisations. The objective of the evaluation was to assess how the organisations promote open science and research. The University of Turku scored best among the assessed organisations and achieved the highest possible scores in all areas assessed.

Application for International Degree Programmes Now Open – University of Turku Offers Three New Bachelor’s Degrees


The international degree programmes offered by the University of Turku can be applied to during the joint application period on 8–22 January 2020. This application round includes the Master’s Degree programmes offered in English as well as the new Bachelor’s Degree programmes in education, also offered in English. Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology is also open for application.