The University of Turku Becomes an International EURAXESS Service Centre


EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a network of the European Union and about 40 European states that supports the international mobility of researchers. The University of Turku has excellent already existing prerequisites to be a service centre.

EURAXESS is a unique European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe. The University of Turku has now started as a new service centre.

The EURAXESS services include a portal comprised of four sections: jobs, services, rights and links. The portal has information on researcher job opportunities all around the world, possibilities for research funding and information about social security systems and other important practical things related to moving abroad.

EURAXESS Service Centres provide free counselling to incoming researchers and their families about for example immigration documents, work permits, insurances, social security, housing, cultural matters, family matters, language training and funding possibilities.

The Academy of Finland is responsible for the EURAXESS organisation in Finland.

– The initial idea to become a EURAXESS Service Centre came from Academy of Finland Science Adviser Satu Huuha-Cissokho when she told about the possibility at a network meeting for people responsible for international staff matters in spring 2013, says International Liaison Officer Eeva Schoultz.

The service was already in action at the University of Turku as the International Welcome Services of the International Office corresponded perfectly the tasks of the centre. Therefore, it was easy to connect this existing service into EURAXESS -collaboration.

The status of a EURAXESS Service Centre will hopefully bring more international fame for the University of Turku. In addition, participation in the researcher mobility network enforces HR Excellence in research quality work.

– Participation in joint training sessions facilitates networking with other EURAXESS partners and at the same time enables information exchange and building additional expertise, says Schoultz.

More information:   

European Commission: EURAXESS
International Welcome Services


Jenna Sjöholm

Created 08.11.2013 | Updated 08.11.2013