The Library's opening hours will change starting from 2 September


The opening and service hours of the Turku University Library will be changed from 2.9.2024.   

  • On weekdays, the Feeniks Library opens at 8.00. The first hour in the morning is self-service. Customer service is available from 9.00 onwards.

  • Newspaper and Ephemera Services in Raisio will be closed on Fridays.  

  • At Arcanum, Educarium, The Turku School of Economics and Teutori Libraries, customer service is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays until 16.00 instead of the current 18.00. Other opening and service hours will remain unchanged. 

  • The opening and service hours of the Teacher Education Library in Rauma will not change.  

Changes to the payment of fees  

In addition to the opening hours, the payment of fees at the Turku campus libraries will change from 2.9. From now on, you can pay your library fees during the service hours at two library units: Feeniks Library and Educarium Library. Late fees can still be paid online in the Volter database.  

Ask and give feedback!  

Do you want to ask or give feedback on the library's opening and service hours or other library services? Please contact us at 

Created 22.08.2024 | Updated 02.09.2024