MOT Dictionaries Gives Way to


Are you familiar with the new MOT Kielipalvelu?

The highly used MOT Sanakirjasto will be replaced by the end of 2021 by the MOT Kielipalvelu. With the new service, the dictionary collection will expand with countless new languages such as Urdu, Northern Sami and even Hebrew, Farsi and Arabic. Old familiar MOT Proofing and machine translating MOT Translator can also be found in MOT Kielipalvelu in addition to MOT Sanakirjat that already are familiar to us all.

The MOT Kielipalvelu can be accessed on the university network without logging in, and outside the university network by logging in with an UTU ID to Volter:

MOT Dictionaries and in the Volter database

Remote use of MOT Kielipalvelu is also possible without logging in to Volter, but for that, a personal MOT ID is required. To create a MOT ID, please visit An activation link will be sent to your UTU email. MOT Kielipalvelu can be accessed at

For more instructions, please visit MOT Kielipalvelu in Youtube or contact Turku University Library


Created 17.02.2021 | Updated 17.02.2021