How to succeed in a job interview


3.6.2025 at 14.00 - 15.00
When you receive an invitation to a job interview you have already been chosen as one of the top applicants. How can you improve your performance at interviews in order to land the job? In the info session we go over what you can do before, during and after the interview to show your motivation to the employer.

The UTU Career Services info sessions (5 x 1h) are part of the Job seeking in Finland -course (1 ECTS). The info sessions are held a few times a year, and in order to complete the course you need to:
a) participate in all five (online) info sessions, b) prepare your Job search plan and job search documents (materials on Moodle), and c) have a feedback discussion with a career counsellor at the Career Services.

The aim of the course is to:
- identify career possibilities, interests and skills
- enhance job search strategies and methods
- understand what employers value and need
- understand how the local labour market works

Register for the course in Peppi (Job seeking in Finland -course) and join the info session in order to get access to the Moodle platform.

You can also participate in the info sessions without completing the course.

All info sessions are held remotely and have a same Zoom-link:

Rekry – UTU Career Services
UTU Career Services