Dissertation defence (Chemistry): MSc Yonglei Lyu


9.9.2024 at 12.00 - 16.00
MSc Yonglei Lyu defends the dissertation in Chemistry titled “Functional disulfide macrocycles from dynamic combinatorial libraries” at the University of Turku on 9 September 2024 at 12.00 (University of Turku, Quantum, Auditorium, Vesilinnantie 5, 20500 Turku).

Opponent: Professori Riina Aav (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Custos: Professor Pasi Virta (University of Turku)

Doctoral Dissertation at UTUPub: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9831-9


Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation:

Dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) is a method in chemical research that generates a library of interconverting molecules formed by reversible reactions of simple building blocks under thermodynamic control. The library composed of different molecules or building blocks is called a dynamic combinatorial library (DCL). When a DCL is exposed to an external influence (such as changing the experimental conditions or adding the external templates), the equilibrium shifts and those components that interact with the external influence are stabilised and amplified, allowing more of the active compound to be formed. Compared with traditional combinatorial chemistry, the main feature of DCC is to utilize reversible reactions to mediate the exchange of building blocks between different members in DCLs.

My research focuses on exploring the application of dynamic disulfide macrocycles through DCC. In the first part of the dissertation, a molecular mutualistic synthesis containing two orthogonal reversible reactions (disulfide exchange and hydrazone exchange) was investigated. When these reactions occurred concurrently in a DCL, two initially minor products, disulfide macrocyclic tetramer and linear hydrazone became predominant via non-covalent interaction.

In the second part, a responsive disulfide macrocycle co-delivery system that delivers drugs and genes to targeted multiple drug resistance (MDR) cancer cells. The resulting co-delivery system displayed the controllable release of drug and gene, good biocompatibility, and improved synergistic efficacy fight against MDR cancer cells in vitro.

In the third part, a cell-like compartment embedded in the supramolecular hydrogel was fabricated by using dynamic covalent macrocycles. The hydrogels were used to create extremely humidity-sensitive actuators that could be crafted into various devices.

In summary, this dissertation endeavors to construct several systems consisting of dynamic covalent macrocycles through DCC, demonstrating the production of disulfide macrocycles for potential applications in various fields.
University Communications