Dissertation defence (Cancer Biology): MPhil Kwan Long Mung
31.3.2023 at 12.00 - 16.00
MPhil Kwan Long Mung defends his dissertation in Cancer Biology entitled “Genomic editing to elucidate the effects of PIM kinases on cancer cell signalling” at the University of Turku on 31 March 2023 at 12.00pm (University of Turku, Main Building, Säästöpankki lecture hall, Turku).
The audience can participate in the defence through remote access: https://utu.zoom.us/j/65639832521 (copy the link to the browser).
Opponent: PhD Kathy Gately (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Custos: Adjunct Professor Päivi J. Koskinen (University of Turku)
Digital copy of the thesis at UTUPub: https://www.utupub.fi/handle/10024/174345 (copy the link to the browser)
Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation:
Cancer is a disease in which cells grow and divide uncontrollably. PIM kinases are proteins that are found in various types of cancer cells and they control networks of signaling pathways that are essential for tumorigenesis and development. Because they help cancer cells to survive, grow, and spread to other parts of the body, pharmacological inhibitors that target PIM kinases are being developed, and some of them are currently in clinical trials.
With the use of state-of-art CRISPR genome editing technology, this dissertation research identifies three new targets of PIM kinases: CP actin capping proteins, LKB1 tumor suppressor, and LDHA metabolic enzyme. The study highlights the versatile roles of PIM kinases in regulating cell motility, proliferation, and metabolism and emphasizes the importance of co-targeting PIM kinases with other proteins or cellular pathways in cancer therapy.
The audience can participate in the defence through remote access: https://utu.zoom.us/j/65639832521 (copy the link to the browser).
Opponent: PhD Kathy Gately (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Custos: Adjunct Professor Päivi J. Koskinen (University of Turku)
Digital copy of the thesis at UTUPub: https://www.utupub.fi/handle/10024/174345 (copy the link to the browser)
Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation:
Cancer is a disease in which cells grow and divide uncontrollably. PIM kinases are proteins that are found in various types of cancer cells and they control networks of signaling pathways that are essential for tumorigenesis and development. Because they help cancer cells to survive, grow, and spread to other parts of the body, pharmacological inhibitors that target PIM kinases are being developed, and some of them are currently in clinical trials.
With the use of state-of-art CRISPR genome editing technology, this dissertation research identifies three new targets of PIM kinases: CP actin capping proteins, LKB1 tumor suppressor, and LDHA metabolic enzyme. The study highlights the versatile roles of PIM kinases in regulating cell motility, proliferation, and metabolism and emphasizes the importance of co-targeting PIM kinases with other proteins or cellular pathways in cancer therapy.
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