Ethical Guidelines for Learning
Rector's decision, 5 September 2013
Dnro 718/001/2013
The activities of the University of Turku are founded on high-quality multidisciplinary research. The University is part of the international academic community and works in interaction with society.
The fundamental values of the University of Turku are ethicality, criticality, creativity, openness and communality. Ethicality indicates striving for good and correct decisions. In compliance with the strategy of our University, both in research and in other operations, the personnel and the students follow the principles of high professional ethics and good scientific practice.[1]
The University of Turku is committed to following the guidelines Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland created by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity.[2]
Our university is also bound by a legal obligation in the Universities Act to educate students to serve their country and humanity. Activities must be arranged in conformity with ethical principles and good scientific practices.[3]
These operational requirements not only guide our university as a community, but also guide each of its individual members. The ethical instructions are written in the first person because ethicality is always actualised through a personal commitment. The aim is to secure an atmosphere that both values trust and cooperation and in which all parties also enjoy working.[4]
1. Strategy of the University of Turku 2013–2016.
2. Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland -guidelines 2012.
3. Universities Act 558/2009, Section 2.
4. These guidelines have been prepared by the working group “Ethical guidelines for research and teaching” appointed by the Rector. On the basis of the proceedings of the Management group of the University of Turku and the Teaching and Learning Council, the Rector has ratified the guidelines for use 5.9.2013. The ethical guidelines for teachers and students published by the University of Oulu in 2005 have been used as a model for these guidelines.