Research at the Biodiversity Unit

Research at Biodiversity Unit focuses broadly on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and –services.

The research infrastructure including the botanical garden and two field stations, long-term experiments and environmental monitoring datasets and scientific collections provides an excellent support for multidisciplinary research on topical questions such as climate change, biodiversity crisis, and the sustainable use and protection of natural resources in both natural and man-made environments.

In addition to its own research, the Biodiversity Unit promotes multidisciplinary research at the university and serves as a showcase for public outreach.

New publications

An ecologically sound and participatory monitoring network for pan-Arctic seabirds (2024)

Conservation Biology
Clairbaux Manon, Rönkä Mia, Anker-Nilssen Tycho, Artukhin Yuri, Danielsen Jóhannis, Gavrilo Maria, Gilchrist Grant, Hansen Erpur Snær, Hedd April, Kaler Robert, Kuletz Kathy, Olsen Bergur, Mallory Mark L., Merkel Flemming Ravn, Strøm Hallvard, Fort Jérôme, Grémillet David
(Refereed journal article or data article (A1))

Harnessing online digital data in biodiversity monitoring (2024)

PLoS Biology
Soriano-Redondo Andrea, Correia Ricardo A., Barve Vijay, Brooks Thomas M., Butchart Stuart H. M., Jarić Ivan, Kulkarni Ritwik, Ladle Richard J., Vaz Ana Sofia, Di Minin Enrico
(Article or data-article in scientific journal (B1))