Keyword: Faculty of Social Sciences

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Dissertation on philosophy of gender and sexual variance to expand understanding of good life and the human condition (Defense: VTM, FM Tiia Sudenkaarne, August 28th2021, philosophy)

Master of Social Sciences, Master of Arts Tiia Sudenkaarne introduces queer bioethics into Finnish academia. Her dissertation analyses how LGBTQI+ questions often considered marginal are philosophically robust and socio-politically important.

Citizens’ Jury Offered Decision-Makers Considered Opinions for New Climate Policy Plan


Citizens’ Jury has offered deliberated views on climate actions for climate policy decision-makers. Implemented by researchers from the University of Turku, the Citizens’ Jury compiled a statement, which was delivered to the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and the government-appointed Climate Policy Roundtable, the purpose of which is to create a common understanding of how Finland can make a just transition to a carbon neutral society by 2035.

Share Your Values with Us


What do you value or what does your work community or home country value? Please tell us in the #Value4YourValue survey. The survey is carried out by the EC2U Alliance of seven European universities, one of which is the University of Turku.

Call for Papers: Conference on Technology Ethics - Tethics 2021


Dependence on technology underline the need for ethics and constructive debate

As COVID-19 hastens the implementation of digital tools in virtual communication and remote work, many sectors of our societies are becoming even more dependent on the use of technology.  Reactions to the pandemic have included questionable approaches to contact tracing through smartphone apps, and invasive surveillance monitoring of our working-from-home practices.

Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) appoints five new postdoctoral fellows


Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) has appointed five new postdoctoral fellows to three-year positions, which commence on 1 january 2021. Following a process of international peer review, the successful candidates were chosen from a field of 286 applications for the five positions available (a success rate of 1.7%). They will join an institute which is committed to interdisciplinary working and the development of top-level researchers.

Finnish Academic Writing studies at the Centre for Language and Communication Studies

The aim of academic writing in the Finnish language is to develop the student's communication skills and to support the student to develop into an expert. The goal of academic writing studies is for students to achieve the literary skills needed in their studies, working life, and in their own discipline.