Keyword: Turku School of Economics

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Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International – Info zur Prüfung


13.2.2023 at 14.00 - 14.45
Die Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International ist eine externe Prüfung der Deutsch-Finnischen Handelskammer. Die nächsten Prüfungstermine sind 29.4.2023 (schriftlich) und 13.5.2023 (mündlich). Wir informieren über die Prüfung und den Vorbereitungskurs SA10 Wirtschaftsdeutsch IV. Die Veranstaltung ist...

Doctoral Studies Info Session for Applicants (Turku School of Economics)


7.3.2023 at 10.00 - 11.30
Are you considering applying to the Doctoral Progamme of Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku? Join us for an online event you can learn more about the programme and have the opportunity to ask questions from the academics of the major you are interested in. Don’t miss this chance to...

CIDS event: Sustainable global economy 8.12.2022


CIDS: Sustainable global economy – new ways of organizing for social progress is a is a multidisciplinary one day conference on advancing ethical and sustainable global economy and the role of law in it.

Are you a Futures Studies Graduate Alumni?


As part of the Finland Futures Research Centre's 30 Year Anniversary Celebrations we are reaching out to connect with you, to see what you are doing now and inviting you to our FFRC Alumni Network, that we are currently developing.

Special Conference Edition of the Finland Futures Research Centre’s Newsletter Futuuri


The 22nd Futures Conference focused on the wide variety of ways people imagine futures and wellbeing in our societies. We invited participants to think of the current changes and challenges in the world in a planetary scale. ‘Planetary Futures of Health and Wellbeing’ conference was organised during 15–17 June 2022 in Turku, Finland and online as a hybrid event.