Study Statistics of the University of Turku

Study statistics at the University of Turku


Applicants for Bachelor's and Master's Degree ​2020202120222023
All applicants32746333433293635645
 - applicants in joint application29607300602826028005
Accepted study places3021315632873124
Enrollments (attending/non-attending)2989310632213018
Students (enrolled in 20 September)2020202120222023
All students20768227792231821995
- of which Bachelor level students8247860389549095
- of which Master level students6244627964696481
- of which PhD students1984201320042033
- of which international students1467712317581992
Students at Open University (by calendar year)926791278063TBA
International Students (by calendar year)2020202120222023
Total number by calendar year223224712653TBA
Nationalities (Finnish not incl.)109112109TBA
Student and Internship Exchanges2020202120222023
​International students
(staying for more than 3 months, incl. virtual exchanges)
Students abroad
(leaving for more than 3 months, incl. virtual exchanges)
Credits Completed2020202120222023
Earned credits (Open University not included)662 427664 550651 603TBA
Credits at Open University53 84857 91647 601TBA
Degrees Completed2020202120222023
1st cycle degrees (Bachelor's degree)162815881525TBA
2nd cycle degrees (Master's degree)202517801773TBA
​Doctorate degrees185184180TBA
Applicants statistics are from the national applicant and study right register (Opintopolku, Studyinfo). Other data is from the University of Turku’s student data system (Peppi).