NEFER – Introduction

Falling Fertility and the Inequalities Involved (NEFER) is an academy-funded research project that focuses on fertility dynamics and their links to social inequalities, as manifested in the case of Finland and other Nordic countries, which are often seen as forerunners of family change and in developing social and gender equality. These countries are experiencing an unexpected decline in fertility, increases in childlessness, and fundamental shifts in socioeconomic disparities in family formation, challenging the established understanding of the drivers of fertility changes and the underlying mechanisms guiding family formation. We seek to identify the mechanisms behind this fertility decline, increase in childlessness and the shifting social inequalities involved.



NEFER was launched in September 2019. The PI is Marika Jalovaara. The research is carried out at the University of Turku. NEFER is a part of the INVEST research flagship.

NEFER is funded in 2019–23 by the Academy of Finland. The funding was awarded in Academy Project call for younger generation of researchers. (All funded projects.)

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