Master's Degree Programme in Exact Sciences: Chemistry of Drug Development
Master's Degree Programme in Futures Studies
The Past, Present and Future of the Super Resolution STED Microscopy
– Without the University of Turku, my scientific career would never have continued, says Stefan Hell and ”raises” a glass of champagne via telephone to the crowd gathered in the break room of the Laboratory of Biophysics at the University of Turku.
Stefan Hell published the idea of the Stimulated Emission Depletion, i.e. STED, microscopy for the first time in 1994 when he was working in the University of Turku.
The Past, Present and Future of the Super Resolution STED Microscopy
– Without the University of Turku, my scientific career would never have continued, says Stefan Hell and ”raises” a glass of champagne via telephone to the crowd gathered in the break room of the Laboratory of Biophysics at the University of Turku.
Stefan Hell published the idea of the Stimulated Emission Depletion, i.e. STED, microscopy for the first time in 1994 when he was working in the University of Turku.
Research at the Department of Teacher Education
The Department of Teacher Education provides internationally recognized critical research which creates the basis for teaching of different subjects in the Department. The research on learning and education is recognized as one of the areas of strength in research at the University of Turku.
Research at the Department of European Ethnology
European ethnology research is characterised by its wide-ranging understanding of culture and comprehensive humanities-oriented research approach. The field’s research targets vary from local everyday phenomena to the characteristics of current global and especially European transitions and turning points.
Professor of Practice Helena Åhman: “It is important to recognise the situations that require conversational intelligence”
Helena Åhman, who has studied conversational intelligence with hostage negotiators and at Harvard University, reveals the superpower of a skilled conversationalist: “If the other person feels like they are heard, miracles can happen.”