Terhi Kivistö University Teacher, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies Doctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy +358 29 450 2550 +358 50 304 3435 termaki@utu.fi
Hannele Klemettilä-McHale Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies DR, Adjunct Professor of Cultural History hannele.klemettila@utu.fi
Tiina-Riitta Lappi Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies University Teacher, Study of Cultures +358 29 450 4710 +358 50 305 2180 tiina-riitta.lappi@utu.fi
Mari Lehto Art History, Musicology and Media Studies PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher mari.t.lehto@utu.fi
Kaarina Koski Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies University Teacher, Study of Cultures +358 29 450 3475 +358 50 406 0471 kaakos@utu.fi
Anneli Pere University Teacher, Department of Teacher Education (Rauma) Doctoral Researcher, Art History, Musicology and Media Studies +358 29 450 3558 +358 50 339 1741 anpere@utu.fi