Science and More: A Chat with Steffen Jung, Burkhard Becher, and Ari Waisman

Hey, students and postdocs!

We’re cooking up something exciting—a super informal (but still cool) meeting with three amazing scientists: Steffen Jung, Burkhard Becher, and Ari Waisman. It’s going to be an open chat about all sorts of science stuff, like:

How on earth do you survive in science?
What’s the secret sauce for PhD success?
Will AI take over science (and the world)?
What’s the biggest problem in science right now?
Whats more terrifying—grant rejections or reviewer comments? (Or is it like choosing between a shark and a bear?)
Whats the weirdest experiment youve ever done that actually worked? (Be honest, was it an accident?)
What’s the one mistake you see young scientists often make (Other than thinking they’ll be done by 5 pm?)

And... has publishing really gotten worse in the past 10 years, or are we just imagining it?

The best part? It’s exclusively for you! But first, we need to know if youre up for it. If you want to join this discussion (and maybe even ask a burning question), please register using the link below.

Got a question you’d love the moderator to ask? Don't forget to send it to us during registration or if you came up with the question only after registration send it our way at &

P.S.: Yes, there will be pulla (because what’s a meeting without it?) and coffee—obviously.

The registration is open until October 3
Katri Kulmala