Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG)

The Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG) is a multidisciplinary doctoral programme that educates specialists with wide knowledge on natural science research.

Research themes

Biology and Environmental Science

Research topics cover all the levels from cell and molecular biology, physiology and genetics to biodiversity, individual species, interaction between species and evolutionary phenomena on population and community level.

Link to www page: Research at the Department of Biology

Biodiversity research

Research topics include e.g. the effect of climate change on subarctic biodiversity, the diversity of a wide range of taxa, and threats to the Archipelago Sea.

Link to www page: Research at the Biodiversity Unit

Geography and Geology

Research focuses on the dynamic processes of the Earth at various scales of space and time. The research topics range from evolution of the Earth's crust to sedimentology and historical environmental changes, and to innovation of environments and urban structures.

Link to www page: Research at the Department of Geography and Geology

BGG contact information


BGG Director:
Professor Jon Brommer, +358 50 534 3360

BGG Coordinator:
Coordinator Sari Järvi, +358 50 358 4596

Sitaatti PhD BGG Jaatsi
Multidisciplinary doctoral training provides new perspectives to my research. It’s motivating, and helps me to develop as a researcher.
Mia Jaatsi, BGG doctoral researcher, Human geography, UTU