Multidisciplinary themes and areas of strength of the University of Turku
The multidisciplinary themes bring together and enable collaboration between researchers and experts in different disciplines. Multidisciplinary approaches strengthen our ability to find solutions to the complex problems of our time. In the multidisciplinary themes, we collaborate with our important higher education partners: Åbo Akademi University and the universities of applied sciences in Turku.
Multidisciplinary themes and areas of strength
1. New technologies and digitalisation
- AI theory, language models, societal implications, and regulation
- Future technologies
2. Health, diagnostics and drug development
- Immune systems and inflammatory diseases
- Medical imaging, bioimaging and health technologies
- Long-term follow-up and intervention studies
3. Children, young people and learning
- Learning environments
- The welfare state, population inequality and demography
4. Cultural memory and social change
- Digital cultural heritage
- Human diversity and migration
5. Biodiversity and sustainability
- Impact of climate change and biodiversity loss on nature, society and economy
- Renewable energies and sustainable materials