Pan-European Institute researcher has been awarded a Fulbright Finland Foundation grant


The Fulbright Finland Foundation awarded a research grant to Pan-European Institute researcher Eini Haaja to promote research exchange and cooperation.

Both of the award-winning postdoctoral researchers, Eini Haaja and Pekka Kolehmainen, are members of the Turku Collegium for Research in Human Sciences (TIAS). Haaja is doing her research at the Pan-European Institute and in her research she analyses the progress of the green transition in the shipbuilding industry.

The largest shipping companies in the cruise industry are located in the United States, and Haaja's future research exchange will be at Florida International University in Miami. During the visit, Haaja aims to build multidisciplinary research collaborations with sustainable tourism researchers and collect interview material on the future of the cruise industry.

- In Finland, we are looking at a green transition in a European bubble. Taking the change further and developing the competitiveness of the Finnish marine industry requires more extensive international cooperation and understanding from the perspectives of various actors. The Fulbright Finland Travel Grant for Research Collaboration enables me to create such research collaboration not only through the grant but also through the comprehensive orientation training offered by Fulbright and the extensive Fulbright alumni network. Monday's Fulbright Finland Foundation Awards Ceremony was a solemn occasion and I am immensely grateful and excited for this opportunity, Haaja rejoices.

Created 16.05.2024 | Updated 16.05.2024