Dissertation defence (Comparative Literature and Gender Studies): FM Aura Sevón

FM Aura Sevón defends the dissertation in Comparative Literature and Gender Studies titled “Radical Multiplicity: Translingual “Feminine” Writing and Corporeal Knowing in the Works of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Hélène Cixous, and Marguerite Duras” at the University of Turku on 24 May 2024 at 16.00. The public defence is in French and in English.

Opponent: Professor Pascale Sardin (Bordeaux Montaigne University, France)
Jury: Professor Marie-Dominique Garnier, Paris 8 University (supervisor); Professor Hanna Meretoja, Turun yliopisto (supervisor); Professor Pascale Sardin, Montaigne University (preliminary inspector and opponent); Apulaisprofessori Yoon Jeong Oh, New York University (a member of the jury); Lecturer Eric Prenowitz, University of Leeds (a member of the jury); Professor Marta Segarra, CNRS & University of Barcelona (jury chairperson).

Doctoral Dissertation at UTUPub: www.utupub.fi/handle/10024/177249

The audience can participate in the defence by remote access: https://univ-paris8.zoom.us/j/98723557583?pwd=eHNtWEJVK2FjdWVtVUk4enZoc29qdz09#success (password: 864387)
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